What is lobsterlabs?
lobsterlabs is a site where i tell people about my adventures in writing homebrew code for the Nintendo DS handheld gaming console.

Why lobsterlabs?
'lobster' is because that is my online alias and 'labs' because it makes it sound technical :P

How do you program for DS?
I learned how to program for the DS from http://www.double.co.nz/nintendo_ds/.
All of my programs were written in c/c++ using libnds and devkitARM, part of devkitPro, to compile.
I use PassMe/FlashMe and a XG2Turbo 512Mbit flashcart.

Some pictures
My development tools
My XG2T, PassMe, and SlimLoader III
My work station
This is where the magic happens!
My poor DS ;o;
The picture is blurry but poor DS is all scratched up. ;o;